You’ve got to exercise your whim regularly.
A whim is a small urge. A tiny feeling of joy triggered by something we consciously or unconsciously find interesting.
They happen all the time, and unless we’re attuned to seeing them, we can go our whole lives without being inspired by their guidance.
It’s important to perceive as many of your small preferences as you can.
Frequently, they’re just a whisper we have to listen for. While they may, at first, appear miniscule, pointless or indulgent, they can often lead to important mental connections.
We often get wrapped up trying to build a big picture around ourselves, to the exclusion of new interests. But I believe that, clearly perceiving your tiny fleeting preferences is equally as important as your “big picture”.
Your grandest purpose is as important as your smallest preference. Perceptionally.
We often see our lives as one big thing, that paves over the endless smaller visions of yourself to fit into this grand preconception.
When you’re on the path to being one big thing, it’s easy to pave over joyful whims.
We need focus to push our agenda, without being distracted by these unnecessary psychological detours.
Seeing them as a distraction, unworthy of attention if they don’t serve some definable, goal based function.
It’s easy to get locked into Big Picture mentality so much so that we sometimes forget that our Big Picture was made from many little pictures that we once gave more credit to.
Every big thing we’re attempting came from smaller sparks of interest, pursued for no other reason than a whim, subtly tickling our fancy.
All big pictures start from small sparks of interest. If we stop pursuing small interests, and only pursue Big Pictures, we lose the power to perceive the art of following your heart.
Of perceiving the tiny joys that can lead to potential larger loves in our lives, if we can let them.
With undeveloped perception of tiny wonders, our whim becomes fleeting and difficult to grasp.
With perception and practice, our whims can become our guides again, working in balance with our ability to focus.
We have to learn not only how to recognize our small hopes, but also how to feed and raise them from whims into reality. We have to learn how to hold them gently, and nurture them to growth.
Whims are easily crushed by too much expectation. We can’t immediately pressure a whim to be our overall definition. Whims can’t immediately be our savior, but they can be the beginning of our procedural salvation.
It takes work to see our preferences amidst the mess of options that life presents us.
We have to learn how to pan for gold in the slurry of random opportunity.
We have to exercise the perception our whim, while persuing a larger progressive path. We have to find ways to celebrate our tiny joys and systematically integrate them into our procedural existence.
If the perception of our ephemeral whims is strong, then we’ll have regular access to an endless supply of small beginnings. Each one possibly leading to a larger life growth.
We’re often surrounded by a cloud of miniature opportunities, of shifting tiny inspirations teasing us.
One small whim, well perceived, can change our entire future.
We can’t become fixated only upon giant, easily visible opportunities. We have to persue nearly invisible ones as well.
Easily visible opportunities are often stereotypes of potential. Big procedural engines, no longer in touch with their small roots. Stripped of inspirational whimsy.
While being able to focus on a larger goal, we simultaneously have to sponsor our tiny fleeting fascinations.
They’re not just distractions to a singular focus.
You are a mix of random opportunity and specific focus. You have to persue both in balance. Following a chosen path while keeping yourself open to sparks of pleasure that are trying to speak to us.
If we lose the perception of tiny pleasure, then our Goal will stop accurately representing us. We will become the Goal, as opposed to it becoming Us.
Our big goal has to accept the changes happening inside of us. Our goal has to grow with our changing specificity.
Being able to perceive your whim helps guide that capacity.
Exercise your whim.