You have to follow the correct epiphany evolution.
You have to have your realizations in the proper order.
We all want to understand our universe. We want to understand how life works. We want the Answers, without having to wait around.
Without having to slowly wind our way through stupid smaller scenarios towards working knowledge.
But the truth is, we can’t. We have to have our realizations in the right order to be able to comprehend them.
Our minds have to be stretched wide enough so that they’re able to accept the information.
You can’t solve a problem without understanding it first.
We often need to have experiences before we’re able to understand concepts.
We have to have a personal example that we can directly relate to an abstract theory.
Without having had an active personal interface, concepts are merely words or abstract theories.
Unrelated to genuine comprehension.
We can pretend to understand, but we never really learn and move on until we do.
You can’t understand something until you’ve actually experienced it.
You can’t understand a larger issue until you understand its component parts.
That’s why we have to have smaller lessons, leading up to bigger ones.
Tolerable experiences, leading up to currently intolerable ones.
If we have an experience too early, then our brains won’t have yet evolved the fingers and thumbs to grasp it.
We have to master our simple lessons before we can tackle the big ones.
We may think that we’re ready, but we can only deal with things we can perceive.
We have to grow muscles to harness our future solutions.
We have to earn our answers.
So, do your exercises and become strong enough to eventually process your upcoming epiphanies.
Right now, we’re having the experiences which will eventually allow us to comprehend our future challenges.
If you can accept that, then you can accept you are where you need to be on the learning ladder.
It’s about accepting the challenges you’re having right now, and dealing with them better.
The longer you begrudge your current experiences, the longer it’ll take you to understand and ascend to your next level of understanding.
We have to have our realizations in the right order.
We have to supersede the things that we currently find challenging.
Large realizations are made from the accumulation and linear comprehension of many smaller realizations.
Acceptance is the best lubricant for realizations.
Accept the necessity of your order on the evolutionary chain.
Sometimes, there are no quick routes to understanding your Life.