Evolution isn’t a single act. Begin again.
We have to be willing to begin as many times as we have to.
Often I’ve tried started something new, and then for one reason or another,
I stopped.
Because I stopped, I felt like I’d “Failed”. That I’d Wasted my chance to Begin.
The leading cause of Failure is believing that you can’t begin again.
That you’re only allowed to begin once.
But, evolution isn’t a single act.
It’s an endless stream of small acts, that have been begun over and over, until they start to reflect a new lifestyle.
To become good at anything, you have to become a Better Beginner.
Pride often want’s beginning to be over quickly,
Thinking ‘Beginner’ is a bit of an insult,
Like you’re less than you are because you’re not proficient.
It’s difficult to embrace temporary ignorance, because it puts you in a vulnerable position that makes you dependent on others.
Shattering the fragile myth of your overwhelming competence.
We want the security of a definative existing body of knowledge. Avoiding new catalysts that challenge our accumulated “Worth”.
But our worth to the world is about being a developing process, not being a static body of imposed “Fact”.
To Evolve, I have to be willing to Begin Again.
To embrace new journeys, with as of yet uncertain rules.
To letting go the security of preconception to find a new me in the face of fresh catalyst. Allowing an unpreconceived self to rise.
Don’t stop Beginning. “Failure” is an excuse to quit.
Sometimes, you just have to keep trying until you find a Beginning that Sticks.
It’s normal to feel like a failure, applying halting efforts to something new. Beginning heals all Broken Processes, building a bridge between what “Is” and what “Could Be”.
So, Accept the repetition of initial reenactment.
Embrace new Beginnings as doorways to fresh levels of Evolution.
Remember, if you’re able to Begin Again, you never have to fear failure!
Have a great day!