OVERTHINKING – An Old Poem – video

I sometimes overthink things.

My brain gets  lost in  bouts of vigorous self reflection, providing corrections

Full of  well intended constructive  criticisms. 

Maintaining a  steady stream of witticisms to cover  fear of my possible  flaws.

Apologising for all the  problems I may or may not cause. 

Looking for truth and the belief  in something greater. 

Impatient for  now to be  the better later. 

My mind paints  pretty pictures on the  inside of my eyes.  

Chattering endlessly to prove itself  productive.

Overly instructive.    

Obsessed with potential pleasure.

Measuring its size to the size 

of other minds.


Frustrated with my bodys’ inherent failings. 

Railing against  cruel fate

berating it soundly

Profoundly alone in its prison of bone. 

I gotta calm my thinkatron, and not  waste energy by constantly leaving it on.

Keep my brain in repose until it knows it’s  needed    

Relax, making sure  my muscles and  emotions are heeded. 

Take a load off my mind and rejoice

Kick back and  listen  to my  body’s voice.